What is therapy?

Psychotherapy is unique and personal to every individual.
Many seek therapy for change with navigating life’s problems.
Others engage to process what did, did not, or are still unfolding.
And most use it to explore and learn about who they are.

  • It can be helpful to have a safe space dedicated to learning and exploring about what makes you, you. Thank you for taking this step to invest in yourself.

    Click here to connect.

  • Everyone grows and experiences life at their own pace. It can be daunting and scary experiencing things that others may not understand.
    If you are a teen, thank you for looking after yourself.
    If you are a parent, thank you for caring for your child.

    Click here to connect.

  • Relationships are dynamic and ever changing, which can make them difficult to navigate. Many couples find it helpful to work together towards a preferred future.

    Click here to connect.

  • As each person is unique, most families are systems defined by complexity. Families therapy works towards inviting more understanding through exploring different ways for more effective communication.

    Click here to connect.

  • Due to the taboos associated with sex, most of us do not receive any helpful sex education. As such, most people have not done much exploration with regards to their own relationship with sex and sexuality.

    Sex therapy is a process more focused on learning, exploration, and experimentation. Sex therapy can be individual or collaborative with partners involved.

    Click here to connect.